Green Marketing of the Product Producers of One Tambon One Product (OTOP) Project in Nonthaburi Province

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เสาวนีย์ ศรีจันทร์นิล, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์


This study investigated the green marketing of the product producers of One Tambon One Product (OTOP) project in Nonthaburi Province.  The 250 convenience samples of the product producers of One Tambon One Product (OTOP) project were drawn from Nonthaburi Province area using Taro Yamane formula.  Data analysis was performed by using percentage, mean, Standard Deviation (SD) and One-way ANOVA.

The results of the research found that; most of the product producers of OTOP were female, aged between 36 – 45 years old holding the Bachelors’ degree, working experience 5 – 10 years.  Most of the products were food business with capital less than 200,000 Baht, 1 – 5 years business operation, and 5 – 10 employees.

As a whole, the One Tambon One Product project was a great deal of green marketing and it was at a high level at each aspect, such as environmental responsibility. In other words, it should encourage to find the ways to improve the reuse resource for environmental protection and consider the importance of environmental conservation. For example, the green marketing mix, such as packaging should make from the simple biodegradable materials. The manufacturers of One Tambon One Product with different types of business, asset size, duration of business, and the number of employees had a comment about green marketing with different statistic significant at .05 level.

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How to Cite
ศรีจันทร์นิล เ. (2018). Green Marketing of the Product Producers of One Tambon One Product (OTOP) Project in Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(1), 145–155. retrieved from


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