The Crawl Stroke Swimming Skills Test for Primary School Year 3 Students at Saint Gabriel’s College

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ธฤษณุ โภคบุญญานนท์


The purpose of this research is to construct a quiz swimming test and to find the norm for crawling skills for primary school year 3 students at Saint Gabriel’s College.  The samples for the quality assurance of the test were thirty students in Primary three and another one hundred and fifty students to find the norm.

The results of the study were follows as: The instrument was the Crawl Stroke Swimming Skills Test for primary school year 3 students at Saint Gabriel’s College, which was constructed by the fine experts and comprised of five items 1) Buoyancy skills by pronation moving 2) Kick’skills 3) Arm stroke skills 4) Breathing skills and 5) Combined swimming skills. Crawl stroke swimming skills accuracy It was agreed by the experts that the researcher could apply it to primary year 3 students at Saint Gabriel’s College with Index of item objective congruence (IOC) = 1.00.  The Crawl stroke swimming skills had a positive reliability.  All of the items were tested by calculating the correlation coefficients from the scores on Test One and Test Two.  The coefficients had statistically significant differences at .01 level (r = .916, .885, .856, .811, .807).  The crawl stroke swimming skills had positive reliability.  All items were tested by calculating correlation coefficients from the tests of their physical education teachers.  The coefficients were statistically different at level of .01.  Sort the multiple choice of the test as follows, 1) Buoyancy skills by pronation moving (r=.925, .865, .800) 2) Kick’ skills (r= .860, .860, .841) 3) Arm stroke skills (r= .927, .917, .889) 4) Breathing skills (r= .949, .864, .859) and 5) Combined swimming skills (r= .881, .858, .812).  The discriminations of all tests were calculated using a low-scoring and high-scoring group.  Though the t-test, it was found that all tests could identify students with different abilities statistically.  The coefficients were statistically significant at a differences of .01.  The norm score for each item the school for the crawl stroke swimming skill test for primary school year 3 students of Saint Gabriel’s college were excellent = more than 65 points, good = 55 – 64  points, moderate = 45 - 54 points, improve = 35 - 44 points, and no passed = less than 35 points, respectively.

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How to Cite
โภคบุญญานนท์ ธ. (2018). The Crawl Stroke Swimming Skills Test for Primary School Year 3 Students at Saint Gabriel’s College. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(1), 69–79. retrieved from


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