An Academic Personnel Development Model for Thai Private Universities in the ASEAN University Network

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ชุมพล รอดแจ่ม
นวลละออ แสงสุข, รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.
วิรัช วรรณรัตน์, รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.
วุฒิพล สกลเกียรติ, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.


The purpose of this research is to study conditions and to create an academic personnel development model, including examining and evaluating in order to determine the academic personnel development model for Thai private universities in the ASEAN university network, using Delphi technique with 17 experts, 3 rounds, reviewed and evaluated by 5 experts, and experimented by 21 management representatives from 8 private higher education institutions. The result of this study was that the academic personnel development model for private universities consists of 3 dimensions, 7 components and 64 factors. The model of academic personnel development for Thai private universities, discovered from this research can be applied to the policy formulation of the management for becoming an ASEAN University Network.

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รอดแจ่ม ช., แสงสุข น., วรรณรัตน์ ว., & สกลเกียรติ ว. (2018). An Academic Personnel Development Model for Thai Private Universities in the ASEAN University Network. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(1), 56–68. retrieved from


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