The Relationship between Internal Supervision Process and Lesson Plan Management Skills of Suphanburi Technical College

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อานนท์ สิงห์จุ้ย
สมชัย พุทธา


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study level of internal supervision process of Suphanburi technical college, 2) study level of lesson plan management skills of Suphanburi technical college and, 3) study the relation between internal supervision process and lesson Plan management skills of Suphanburi technical college. The population in this study were administrators, head of department ,and teacher staffs of 132 totally.The sample groups came from multi - stage sampling of 99 people.The instrument for gathering data were questionnaires. The data statistic analyzed were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.
The results were as follows: 1) The internal supervision process of Suphanburi technical college in overall at the high level. When considered in each aspect found that the highest aspect was supervision planning as high level, The secondly was the action implementation, and the lowest was reinforcement. 2) The lesson plan management skills of Suphanburi technical college in overall at the high level. When considered in each aspect found that the highest aspect was curriculum course analysis, The secondly was evaluation process analysis, and the lowest was learning resources analysis. 3) The relationship between internal supervision process and lesson plan management skills of Suphanburi technical college, found that in overall was the positively relationship in low level correlation at the 0.01 of statistical significance.

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สิงห์จุ้ย อ., & พุทธา ส. (2018). The Relationship between Internal Supervision Process and Lesson Plan Management Skills of Suphanburi Technical College. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(3), 130–142. retrieved from


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