A Study of Followers’ Sense of Community, Motivation, Attitude and Behavior towards Home Video Presentation “Nitan MHA MHA” via Gluta Story Fanpage

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มณีรัตน์ สกุลนิมิตร
ธีรพล ภูรัต


This quantitative research aimed to study the correlation of sense of community, motivation, attitude and behavior of the followers towards home video presentation of “Nitan MHA MHA” via Gluta Story fanpage. The 400 samples were drawn through a questionaire posted on the Gluta Story fanpage. Then the path analysis technique via Enter Multiple Regression Analysis was applied. The findings revealed that attitude did not have a significant influence on behavior of the followers. In addition, while sense of community and motivation had a significant influence on behavior, the researcher found the direct influence of sense of community towards behavior (P = 0.61) less than the indirect influence of sense of community towards behavior (via motivation) (P = 0.426).

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How to Cite
สกุลนิมิตร ม., & ภูรัต ธ. (2018). A Study of Followers’ Sense of Community, Motivation, Attitude and Behavior towards Home Video Presentation “Nitan MHA MHA” via Gluta Story Fanpage. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(3), 107–117. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/112630


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