Make Practical Used Broadband Third Generation Mobile Network (3G) or Forth Generation Mobile Network (4G) for Learning Management System in the 21st Century Learning Skill

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ปริยวิศว์ ชูเชิด
พฤกษ์ภูมิ ธีรานุตร


The research objectives are to study the electronic learning issues, aspect adapted the communications technology and compare the make practical used broadband third generation mobile network (3G) or fourth generation mobile network (4G) for learning management system between personal fundamentals. The survey research was done with 384 people through simple random sampling. The research instrument was questionnaire and analyzed research data by using the statistics such as frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, Chi-Square test and multiple regressions.
The research result shows that: The usage of the internet for study, research, entertainment or collect the data. The factor of course content was in highest level followed by communication of students to Student and student support services have in lowest level. The relationship between the personal fundamentals and information technology communication found that telephone bill show that gender, age, status and income per month have a significant at the .05 level. Moreover, phone bill method, age, status and income per month have a significant at the .05 level. The research found 3 independent variables which influence to educational includes course content, Others Materials and communication between Student to Tutor. These 3 independent variables have a positive relationship to learning management system 57.0 percent.

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How to Cite
ชูเชิด ป., & ธีรานุตร พ. (2018). Make Practical Used Broadband Third Generation Mobile Network (3G) or Forth Generation Mobile Network (4G) for Learning Management System in the 21st Century Learning Skill. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(3), 84–95. retrieved from


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