Marketing Mix Factors Influencing Tourists on Walking Street Tour in Phuket

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กนิฏฐา เกิดฤทธิ์


The objectives of the research are as following, 1) to study the marketing mix factors influencing tourists on Walking street tour in Phuket 2) to compare the given priority with the marketing mix factors on tourism of Walking street in Phuket from tourists by personal factors. This research result indicates that overall 7 marketing mix factors of Walking street tour in Phuket at the high level. In terms of the marketing mix factors, tourists give the highest importance on products and service, people, process, physical evidence, place, price respectively. Additionally, tourists give the least important aspect on promotion.

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How to Cite
เกิดฤทธิ์ ก. (2018). Marketing Mix Factors Influencing Tourists on Walking Street Tour in Phuket. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(3), 74–83. retrieved from


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