Formation and Signification of Pictorial Metaphor of Beauty Product in Magazine Advertisements

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บดินทร์ เดชาบูรณานนท์


This research aimed to examine the types of pictorial metaphor and signification in beauty product advertisements. This research based on Max Black’s interactionism 63
model to identify characteristics of pictorial metaphor, Semiology and Signification, rhetorical of the image by analyzing 19 pictures of 3 Women’s magazines, A.D. 2015-2016. The research findings pointed out that the types of pictorial metaphor are in 3 areas: 1) pictorial metaphors with one pictorially present term 2) pictorial metaphors with two pictorially present term 3) pictorial simile. Regarding the signification of beauty products in magazine advertisements such as 1) signification of natural compare with the aesthetic appearance of the skin. 2) precious gem/ ornament as a luxury sign 3) using verbal metaphor combined with the pictorial metaphor for comparing similarity with another 4) using sex appeal and 5) color theory.

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เดชาบูรณานนท์ บ. (2018). Formation and Signification of Pictorial Metaphor of Beauty Product in Magazine Advertisements. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(3), 62–73. retrieved from


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