The Students Competencies and Attributes as Entrepreneurs in MBA Program in Benjamitr Universities Consortium

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พนิดา วัชระรังษี


This research aimed to study the competency correlation in entrepreneurship, and attributes as an entrepreneurs of students who study in the MBA program in Benjamitr Network. The collected data was 215 students or 87.76 percentages as students in the MBA program of five universities of Benjamitr Network in the year 2015. Tools used in the research were questionnaires of check list, rating scale. Testing the reliability of the questionnaire by Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient and the result showed that questionnaire reliability level is good at 0.931. Data analysis by using statistics as percentage, mean () Standard Deviation and Pearson Correlation Coefficient
The research found that:
1. Students in the MBA program of Benjamitr Network had overall competency as entrepreneurs in a very good level, and had overall attribute as entrepreneurs at a very good level as well.
2. The overall competency in entrepreneurship and attribute as entrepreneurs of students in the MBA program of universities in Bejamitr network in all sides had positive correlation at high level.

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How to Cite
วัชระรังษี พ. (2017). The Students Competencies and Attributes as Entrepreneurs in MBA Program in Benjamitr Universities Consortium. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(2), 116–126. retrieved from


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