Development of the Product Configuration of Dried Shrimp Paste Packaging in Baan Pring, Phangnga Province

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ดรุณี มูเก็ม


The objectives of this research were to design and develop packaging prototype of dried shrimp paste product of Bann Nop Pring and to evaluate the graphic design prototype on the package as well as the efficiency of packaging. The sample groups consisted of 22 people from the farm women Group Association and 2 people of Sub-district Administrative Organization (SAO) community development officers in Nop Pring. Tool used in the research was questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation. The data collection was reported 2 periods: the first period was the evaluation result packaging form and graphic packaging design, the second period was the evaluation result of the efficiencies of packaging.

The finding result of the first period found that the first type of packaging form: 4 square, 6 Oz with black cap, the third type of graphic packaging design and designed three more types of screw lock graphic design as well as the evaluation of efficient packaging result. The second period was packaging and protective products; it was found that packaging provides with barrier protection from water and humidity as well as convenience for transpiration and distribution. Most people agreed with the selection of packaging no.2 that the images were beautiful and the information was consistent with the brand image, easy to read and understand, as well as colors which could be immediately attracted when seen.

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How to Cite
มูเก็ม ด. (2017). Development of the Product Configuration of Dried Shrimp Paste Packaging in Baan Pring, Phangnga Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(2), 69–79. retrieved from


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