The People’s Attitude towards the Red-Whiskered Bulbul Caretakers Living near Ramkhamhaeng Zone

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พิชศาล พันธุ์วัฒนา


The purposes of this research were to study; 1) generality of personal attribute of people to the nearly of people’s care red-whiskered bulbul to living at Ramkhamhaeng and 2) the influence personal attribute, environment and safety involvement on attitude of people to the nearly of people’s care red-whiskered bulbul to living at Ramkhamhaeng. The study was conducted by applying 2 research methodologies, both quantitative & qualitative. quantitative approach, questionnaire were used to collect data from 84 of red - whiskered bulbul’s caretakers. The data was analyzed, using descriptive statistics, path analysis. To the qualitative approach, in-depth interview was conducted with the person to red-whiskered bulbul caretakers and used to observed behavior. The results indicated that generality of personal attribute of people to red-whiskered bulbul caretakers to living at Ramkhamhaeng were men, age 51 - 65 years old, married, held bachelor degree, working in private actore and stay at home with 2 – 4 persons. And the finding for objective in the second study was frond that the environment was affected attitude people and had to direct influence for red-whiskered bulbul caretakers living around at Ramkhamhaeng zone.

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พันธุ์วัฒนา พ. (2017). The People’s Attitude towards the Red-Whiskered Bulbul Caretakers Living near Ramkhamhaeng Zone. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 3(1), 83–94. retrieved from


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