The employment of the graduated students from Rajchapoek College 2012-2013

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วรรณวิมล จงจรวยสกุล


The purpose of this research were 1) to study the employment and unemployed situation, occupation and income of the employed and the reasons for unemployed, 2) to study of attention and needs for further study and 3) to study curriculum satisfaction of graduated in 2012 and 2013. The population the interest to graduated and the satisfy of who graduated in 2012-2013.
The population were 1,270 graduated students. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency and percentage. The study found that 1) the current work status: They worked before admission (22.64%) employed during studies (32.17%) and have a job after graduation (45.23%) agencies as companies / private organizations (41.25%) salaries 12,001. -15 000 ฿ (33.29%) for graduates who did not work out why it's not working other than waiting for a response from the agency and yet it does not (79.90%) of the work after graduation, including most apart from unknown sources finding a job is not pleasant do not want the competition low-paid and exams not (34.71%). 2) Interest /need for further study found that most do not care / do not like to study (64.13%) because they would like the work before writher study ( 95.90%). Both graduates have a job and have not worked found that most studies (94.81%) studied master degree level in the same field of study (83.84%) at government institution (78.00%). The reasons for studying were needs to work in the same field of study (62.80%). Finance is the important problem for further study ( 83.84%). 3) Most of the respondents were satisfied with curriculum and field of study (56.25%). Furthermore the subjects should be increased in the curriculum for occupations supporting are English (38.22%) and computer usage (31.24%).

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How to Cite
จงจรวยสกุล ว. (2017). The employment of the graduated students from Rajchapoek College 2012-2013. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(3), 51–60. retrieved from


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