The Using of Accounting Information System of Hotel Executives in Muang District, Phuket Province

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โสภาพรรณ ไชยพัฒน์


This research was level in using accounting information system of hotel executives and to compare the use of accounting information system of hotel executives in Muang district, Phuket Province by distinguishing following of the personal factors. The people that use accounting information system differently, including the hotel executives of 3-5 stars hotel 527 people. The size of the sample was determined by based on the principle of Taro Yamane of 227 people. The used material in collecting the data was questionnaires. The used statistics for analyzing the data were by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, T-test and One-way Analysis of Variance. The results from analyzing of the use level in accounting information system found that in generally, the use of accounting information system of hotel executives was in medium by descending order from the common knowledge and skill, the ability in using the accounting information system, the understanding in the accounting information system, the access to the accounting information system, the determining the features and demand extent for the accounting information system and the evaluation of accounting information systems and the result of gender, age, education level and working experience in accounting were different at the statistical significance level of .05. The researchers were able to develop a plan to improve the management system. And as a guide in determining the application of the accounting information system to be tailored to the organization. And allows the business to adapt to change in the process of operating a business is likely to grow further in the future.

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How to Cite
ไชยพัฒน์ โ. (2016). The Using of Accounting Information System of Hotel Executives in Muang District, Phuket Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(2), 56–65. retrieved from


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