The Study of Opinions about The Crime of 24-hours Convenience Stores

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ธาวิน เกสรสังข์
สุวัจ รชตวัฒนกุล
นันท์นภัส วงศ์อรุณ


The aims of this study are to study of opinions and attitude about the crime of 24-hours convenience stores. The 30 participants were collected information by using focus group interview who had and had not experience about facing crime in convenience stores. The result found that the causes of the crime problem are economic ,social, drug problems, therefore, convenience stores that are open 24 hours is an important goal in the crime because the environment is high risk during the night. Crime prevention, in addition to strictly follow the rules, then it is the participation of all sectors involved including the participation of the public in cooperation crime prevention.

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How to Cite
เกสรสังข์ ธ., รชตวัฒนกุล ส., & วงศ์อรุณ น. (2016). The Study of Opinions about The Crime of 24-hours Convenience Stores. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(2), 12–20. retrieved from


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