The Development of Supplementary English Lessons of Tour Guides for Fourth Year Students in Majoring of Hotel and Tourism Management at Rajapruk University (Phuket Center)

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วัชรินทร์ เกิดทรัพย์


The purpose of this research was to test the effectiveness of supplementary English
lessons of tour guides for fourth year students in majoring of hotel and tourism
management at Rajapruk University (Phuket center) and to study the students’
satisfactions toward the materials. The sample consisted of 80 fourth year students
of business administration in Hotel and Tourism Management at Rajapruk University
(Phuket Center).
The material was the five lessons in English for Tour Guide 2 course. The students
were given an exercise after the completions of each lesson. After the conclusion of
all 5 lessons, the students were given a posttest. The both data from exercises and
posttest were analyzed for effectiveness by using E1/E2 or 80/80. Additionally, a
questionnaire was given to the students by following each lesson. The mean and
standard deviation of the questionnaire scores were used to assess the students’
satisfactions toward the materials.
The findings were revealed that the effectiveness of the supplement English lesson
of tour guides was 80.125 and 80.541. This means that the constructed materials
were highly effective. Additionally, the students’ satisfactions toward the five English
lessons of tour guides were highly positive. As the mean of content was 4.030, lesson
format was 3.982, advantage was 3.910 and activity was 3.905.

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How to Cite
เกิดทรัพย์ ว. (2016). The Development of Supplementary English Lessons of Tour Guides for Fourth Year Students in Majoring of Hotel and Tourism Management at Rajapruk University (Phuket Center). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(1), 123–134. retrieved from


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