Media Exposure and Participation in Bang KhunThian Canal Conservation of People in Nonthaburi City Municipality, Nonthaburi Province

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กันทลัส ทองบุญมา


This research aimed to study media exposure and participation in Bang Khun Thian canal conservation of people, which are different demographic characteristics, including the study of correlation between media exposure and participation of people in Nonthaburi city municipality. Samples were people living in the area which Bang Khun Thian canal runs through. Questionnaires were used to collect data from a total of 400 samples. Statistical data analysis were used in this research, descriptive statistic used for calculating frequency, percentage, average, and inferential statistics used for computing t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results revealed that people’s exposure in Bang Khun Thian canal conservation information was at low level, and people’s participation in Bang Khun Thian canal conservation was at high level. From the correlation analysis between demographic characteristics and media exposure, it was found that demographic characteristics; education, occupation, income and habitat, were significantly correlated to media exposure in Bang Khun Thian canal conservation. For the analysis of correlation between demographic characteristics and people’s participation in Bang Khun Thian canal conservation, it was found that demographic characteristics; age, education, occupation, income and habitat, were significantly correlated with people’s participation in Bang Khun Thian canal conservation. Finally, the correlation between media exposure and participation was observed, the analytical results revealed that the media exposure of people in Bang Khun Thian canal conservation was positively correlated to people’s participation in Bang Khun Thian canal conservation.

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How to Cite
ทองบุญมา ก. (2016). Media Exposure and Participation in Bang KhunThian Canal Conservation of People in Nonthaburi City Municipality, Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(1), 111–122. retrieved from


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