The Readiness Preparation in Marketing of Hotel and Accommodation for ASEAN in Phuket

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ดาริกา วรรณถนอม


The objectives of this study were : 1) to study the general information of hotels and accommodation in Phuket and 2) to study the readiness level of the marketing mix for the hotels and accommodation entrepreneurs for the ASEAN Economic Community in Phuket. The sample were 270 businesspersons. The used material to collect data was questionnaires 5 rating scales 35 items reliabilities at .88. The used statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation statistical Independent sample t-test, and ANOVA. This research found that: 1. General of the hotel and accommodation categories in four-star and higher were operated by the independent management (One owner or One committee). The locations of the hotels and accommodation were largely in Kathu district. 2. The overall readiness in marketing of hotels and accommodation for the ASEAN Economic Community in Phuket was at a high level by respectively of process, product, price, place, physical evidence (Image), promotion and personal. 3. The hypothesis analysis showed that the types of hotels and accommodation, the standard level of hotels and accommodation, the manner of management and ownership and the location differently affected to the readiness of overall marketing factors for the ASEAN Economic Community in Phuket differently at statistically significant at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
วรรณถนอม ด. (2016). The Readiness Preparation in Marketing of Hotel and Accommodation for ASEAN in Phuket. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(1), 87–98. retrieved from


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