Water Bank Management by the Community Participation of Tamot, Tamot District, Phatthalung Province

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ปาโมช บุณยะตุลานนท์
ไฉไล ศักดิวรพงศ์
สากล สถิตวิทยานันท์


This research aims to study 1) The concept of operating principles of Community Management of Water Bank. by community Tamot District Phatthalung 2) participation by the community in managing water bank. by community Tamot District Phatthalung 3) the effects of the operation. Management of Water Bank by community Tamot District Phatthalung. To remain sustainable Data were collected using in-depth interviews. Information obtained from the interviews were analyzed according to the study. Using the theory and related research as a guide to analyze the data. And then presents the data obtained by analyzing the content.
The findings of a community bank Tamot the concept of slowing the flow of water to slow down. Storage and emptying it proposes no flow to the lower deposition. The water used throughout the year for both agriculture and consumption. The engagement People involved in the formulation of regulations. To practice in the same direction. Shared care resources by exploring water sources. Joint replacement planting trees around the creek sides are creating a bank to increase the fertility of the forests. Including participation to residents in community awareness. Appreciate and feel jealous in order to preserve water resources in the community to remain sustainable.

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How to Cite
บุณยะตุลานนท์ ป., ศักดิวรพงศ์ ไ., & สถิตวิทยานันท์ ส. (2016). Water Bank Management by the Community Participation of Tamot, Tamot District, Phatthalung Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(1), 68–76. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/112387


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