The Study of Internal Communication Behavior in Industrial Organizations

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นพดล พูลพุทธพงษ์
ปฎิพัทธ์ ดอกแย้ม
สุนีย์ วรรธนโกมล


The objectives of this research are; to examine behaviors and factors influencing internal communication in industrial organizations, to analyze relationship among internal communication behaviors in industrial organizations, and to compare influencing internal communication in industrial organizations. Meanwhile, they are categorized regarding to general status of personnel in term of gender, age, educational level, income level, job position, and working experience. The sample group comprises of 400 persons in industrial organizations. The tool used in this research is questionnaire and interview is applied for compiling data. The statistics used for data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-Square, T-test, Anova and Scheffe analysis. The statistical significance is set at .05 level.
The findings indicate that most of respondents are female, aged between 25 and 35 years, education background lower than Bachelor’s degree, monthly income less than 20,000 Baht, operational level, and working experience less than 5 years. In overall, factors influencing internal communication in industrial organizations are at moderate level. For each aspect, company policies and communication technology are at moderate level and operation is at high level. For analysis to find relationship among internal communication behaviors in industrial organizations, it is found that behaviors of personnel in industrial organizations depending on gender status comprised of 4 items, age comprised of 14 items, educational background comprised of 4 items, income level comprised of 5 items, job position comprised of 5 items, and working experience comprised of 14 items. And, comparison of factors influencing internal communication in industrial organizations categorized by gender status, differences are found in gender status composed of 4 items, age composed of 2 items, educational background composed of 4 items, income level composed of 7 items, job position composed of 3 items, and working experience composed of 9 items.

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How to Cite
พูลพุทธพงษ์ น., ดอกแย้ม ป., & วรรธนโกมล ส. (2016). The Study of Internal Communication Behavior in Industrial Organizations. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(1), 24–35. retrieved from


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