The Participation of Citizens in Community Forest Conservation: A Case Study of Tambon Chongsadao Amphoemuang Kanchanaburi Kanchanaburi Province

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ศรีประไพร คุ้มศัตรา


The study were aimed. 1) the level of participation of the community in the
conservation community. Chong Sadao district Kanchanaburi Kanchanaburi 2) to
compare the level of public participation in forest conservation. 3) study the
relationship between cognition about community participation in forest conservation.
4) study the conservation community. And recommendations for the conservation of
the forest. The population in this study. State officials And the people at the head of
the household or household 318 people. The instrument used in this study was a
questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and
Standard Deviation and Pearson’s Correlation.
The results showed that 1) public participation in forest conservation community as
a whole in the medium level ( mean = 2.96). 2) By comparison, the participation of
citizens in the community forest conservation by sex, age, education, occupation and
income were found to be different. 3) is associated with a better understanding
about the conservation community as a whole showed a positive correlation
between a low level (r = 0.016) results are accepted assumptions. 4) problems and
suggestions, community leaders and community members together a plan and
guidelines for forest conservation community by the project. Watershed Forest
Reserve Reforestation Project Forest ordination The residents took part in the
conservation community forever.

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How to Cite
คุ้มศัตรา ศ. (2016). The Participation of Citizens in Community Forest Conservation: A Case Study of Tambon Chongsadao Amphoemuang Kanchanaburi Kanchanaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(3), 59–68. retrieved from


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