The Relationship between Motivation and Organizational Loyalty: A Case Study of Asia Airport Hotel

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จีรภัคร เอนกวิถี
ประพันธ์ ชัยกิจอุราใจ
พีระพงษ์ กิติเวชโภคาวัฒน์


The purposes of this research were to study the personal factors that affect organizational loyalty of staff and the relationship between motivation and organizational loyalty of staff. The samples used in the study included Asia Airport hotel's staff of 166 people. Instrument was a questionnaire. Accurate content analysis by experts, was taken to trial and tested with confidence coefficient alpha Cronbach was 0.951. The statistics used for data analysis of frequency, Percentage, Standard Deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA statistical analysis at the significance level of .05 and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient analysis at the significance level of .01. The research found that personal factors of Asia Airport Hotel included gender, age, job status, qualification period performance and average revenue per month different, loyalty to the organization was not different. Motivation for employees affect loyalty showed the relationship in the same direction. Motivating factors for the success of the job, the recognized accordingly, the nature of the work performed responsibility and the progress in the work overall was moderate. Hygiene factor Policy of the Organization, relations with bosses, salaries and benefits, the working conditions, how the rule and job stability overall in high Level.

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How to Cite
เอนกวิถี จ., ชัยกิจอุราใจ ป., & กิติเวชโภคาวัฒน์ พ. (2016). The Relationship between Motivation and Organizational Loyalty: A Case Study of Asia Airport Hotel. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(3), 48–58. retrieved from


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