The Situation and Influencing Factors of Thailand Natural Rubber Exporting to People’s Republic of China Market

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สิทธิพร ประวัติรุ่งเรือง
สมยศ อวเกียรติ


The aims of this research were to study of the situation Thailand natural rubber exporting to People’s Republic of China market and to investigate the significant factors on natural rubber export of Thailand to People’s Republic of China market (P.R. China).
This research methodology was using time series data from 1993 to 2012 and analyzing by Multiple Regression for the influence factors.
The result of this study showed that the trend of global demand in natural rubber was continuously increasing for the next 10 years. The most increasing demand would come from Asia market; especially, People’s Republic of China and India. People’s Republic of China was a country which had the highest demand for using natural rubber in the world and also had an upward trend because of its economic situation expansion, its growth of automobiles industries and domestic tires industries (International Rubber Study Group; IRSG, 2013: Online). For the factors affecting Thailand natural rubber exporting to People’s Republic of China market were China tires production, the Malaysia exporting price of stick rubber adjusted by Malaysia consumer price index and exchange rate between Thai Baht to Yuan of China. Besides, the factors affecting Thai stick rubber to People’s Republic of China were China tires production and exchange rate between Thai Baht to Yuan of China. Moreover, the factors affecting Thailand rubber smoked sheets to People’s Republic of China market were Thailand rubber smoked sheets exporting price adjusted by Thailand consumer price index and the Malaysia exporting price of stick rubber adjusted by Malaysia consumer price index.

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How to Cite
ประวัติรุ่งเรือง ส., & อวเกียรติ ส. (2015). The Situation and Influencing Factors of Thailand Natural Rubber Exporting to People’s Republic of China Market. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(1), 91–99. retrieved from


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