Health Care Model for Quality of Life among the Elderly

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นนทรี สัจจาธรรม


The aim of this research was to study the care model for elder people by combining between the care model of conventional medical and public health and Thai traditional medicine to find the appropriate way of care model for elder people. The sampling in this qualitative research were the specialists in public health, Thai traditional medicine, and nursing were 8 persons and elder people health care assistants, in both government and private sections were 30 persons. The data was collected by using the minutes of the seminar and the interviews between January 4-25, 2014. Descriptive analysis, percentage and mean were used in data analysis. The results show that the specialists had an opinion toward the structure and the model at 90.80%. The group of health care assistant of government section and private section had an opinion toward the complement of the course in moderate level, which was 80.30% and 80.20% respectively.
The care model for elder people for the quality of life. The students who wanted to study must have high-school certification and the maturity. The program lasted for 5 days (30 hours). The courses provided were Elders Health Promotion, Health Care in Non-communicable Diseases Elders, and Elders Health Care Ethics. The learners could have the pre-test and post test in knowledge, attitude, moralities and ethics, communication, and the appropriate technology using. Also, all the results would be followed after the training.

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How to Cite
สัจจาธรรม น. (2015). Health Care Model for Quality of Life among the Elderly. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(1), 43–54. retrieved from


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