The Influence of Belief and Faith to build a Local Identity in Souvenir Design for a Lucky Cat Maneki Neko

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ทักษิณา สุขพัทธี


Religion in Japan is enlightened with beliefs and faith in ancestors and gods since an old ancient. Shinto was once dominated as the indigenous religion of Japanese people. After Buddhism arrived in Japan, Shinto shrines were less devoted and worshipful. However, it still remains the history, traditional beliefs and valuable arts for next generation people. The design and development of famous Japanese local souvenirs, called “Lucky Cat Doll” are hence influenced by those traditional beliefs. The lucky cat doll is renowned but its historical story and worth which affects local Japanese people maintaining the international tourism of their country are rarely recognized. This is an academic article which aims to clarify about the background of the belief and faith on the souvenir design “lucky cat doll” which is the local identity. This identity is related to the religious belief and culture and it also leads to the local product for the tourist purpose. The people in the local community can make money from this product and this is the income of the country as well. 1) the legend of “lucky cat doll” 2) the analysis of “lucky cat doll” design 3) the promotion of the souvenir “lucky cat doll” for the people in local community and the tourist attractions in Japan 4) the concept in making the identity on the product design 5) the way of making “lucky cat doll” as the identity of the city.

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How to Cite
สุขพัทธี ท. (2018). The Influence of Belief and Faith to build a Local Identity in Souvenir Design for a Lucky Cat Maneki Neko. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 1(1), 9–20. retrieved from


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