Indicators for Measuring the Innovation Organizations in Thailand

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Srisakul Jareonsri
Yingcharoen Boonyoung
Nontawat Siangchokyoo


This academic article aims to present key performance indicators essential for assessing innovation-driven organizations in Thailand. These indicators are meticulously designed to clearly define directions, objectives, goals, and explicit strategies that foster innovation. Their scope extends beyond merely enhancing organizational quality; they aim to nurture visionary leadership, and dedicated management, and foster organizations as epicenters of learning and development. Integral to these goals is the establishment of an organizational culture that actively supports and propels innovation, the creation of work environments conducive to innovative thinking, and continuous advancement across various dimensions, including human resources, processes, business practices, products, and services. This comprehensive approach is pivotal in steering organizations toward the zenith of innovation and success in today's dynamic world. "The findings of this study indicated that innovation organizational performance indicators were critical measures of an organization's innovation capacity, encompassing outcomes in knowledge, technology, creativity, and multifaceted organizational management related to innovation. The study categorized these indicators into 8 distinct dimensions with 27 components, as shown in Table 1, and provided strategic recommendations for future research in organizational innovation."

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How to Cite
Jareonsri, S., Boonyoung, Y., & Siangchokyoo, N. (2024). Indicators for Measuring the Innovation Organizations in Thailand. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 19(1), 17–30. retrieved from
Academic Article


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