Development of Digital Media for Training on the Basic Knowledge of Sepak Takraw for Physical Education Students

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Pongsakorn Narin
Charoon Benmart


The objectives of this study were to 1) develop digital training media that meet the 80/80 training standards, 2) compare the learning achievement of students who used digital tools to train in the fundamentals of Sepak Takraw, and 3) examine the perceptions of Physical Education students toward the use of digital tools for Sepak Takraw training. Using primary random sampling, the samples were distributed to 32 students in Physical Education. Research instruments include 1) digital media for training, 2) an Instructional manual for training with digital media, 3) a learning achievement test, and 4) a set of satisfaction questionnaires.  The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and t-test statistics. The study's results were illustrated as followings. Firstly, the effectiveness of the digital training media was determined to be 88.91/90.94, passing the specified standards. Secondly, Students need to improve their learning. Finally, regarding training, content, and web-based lesson design Google site, the satisfaction of the Physical Education students with using digital media was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Narin, P., & Benmart, C. (2023). Development of Digital Media for Training on the Basic Knowledge of Sepak Takraw for Physical Education Students. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 18(2), 89–100. retrieved from
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