Marketing Mix Factors Influencing Customer’s Loyalty in Supercenter Business Brand in Bangkok Under VUCA World Era

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Sarawut Sathuprakal
Srisakul Charoensri
Nontawat Siangchokyoo


This research aims to study the level of 7Ps marketing mix factors, the level of customer loyalty, and the 7Ps marketing mix factors influencing customer loyalty for supercenter business brands in Bangkok under VUCA World. The sample group consisted of 400 customers from 55 supercenters in Bangkok, which were randomly stratified by stratified sampling and convenience sampling. The questionnaire served as the instrument for data collection in this research. Data were analyzed using a packaged program with descriptive statistics: percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics such as Pearson's correlation and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results revealed that the overall opinion level about the marketing mix of supercenter customers in Bangkok under VUCA World was at a high level. Customers ranked their opinions the most on the distribution channel. The overall opinion level about the loyalty of supercenter customers in Bangkok was also at a high level. The highest opinion level is the Cross-purchase of product and service lines. As for the marketing mix factors influencing customer loyalty of supercenter customers under VUCA World, it was found that all 7 marketing mix factors could predict the overall supercenter customer loyalty in Bangkok, including: a variety of products, service processes, personnel with a variety of products and services to choose from, and an online payment system that is convenient, fast, and secure at the statistical significance level of 0.01.

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How to Cite
Sathuprakal, S., Charoensri, S., & Siangchokyoo, N. (2023). Marketing Mix Factors Influencing Customer’s Loyalty in Supercenter Business Brand in Bangkok Under VUCA World Era. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 18(2), 115–129. retrieved from
Research Article


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