An Examination of the Influence of Causal Factors on the Core Competencies Non-Life Insurance Company Salespeople in Thailand

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Pornnipa Plubpla
Benjawan Leecharoen
Nantaporn Chalaechorn


The purposes of this mixed-methods research are to: 1) investigate the direct and indirect effects of the causative elements of leadership in the digital era, corporate trust in unique core skills, and internal branding on Thailand's non-life insurance industry sales; and 2) develop a causal relationship model of factors influencing key competences in the non-life insurance industry. A mixed-methods study was employed in this research. The initial stage involved qualitative research by collecting data from 15 key contributors using a semi-structured interviewing strategy. Purposive sampling was used to choose the samples for this study. The following approach is quantitative research with the 413 life insurance salespeople constituting the sample. The data were analyzed with the LISREL software utilizing the causal relationship approach and structural equation modeling statistics. The internal branding component comes next. Finally, there is the digital leadership element. The following causal elements, directly and indirectly, impact Thailand's non-life insurance sector: corporate digital leadership branding and trust in the company's core sales competencies. Empirical data is useful for theoretical models of core competencies in sales. The sales-only core competence with the most visibility is an operational improvement.

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How to Cite
Plubpla, P., Leecharoen , B., & Chalaechorn, N. (2023). An Examination of the Influence of Causal Factors on the Core Competencies: Non-Life Insurance Company Salespeople in Thailand. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 18(1), 15–32. retrieved from
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