Marketing mix factors affecting product purchasing decision on tourism related souvenirs in Nan Province

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Prasittachai Dechkham
Thanatcha Khumsri
Suthisak Sawangsak


This research is quantitative research, the objective aim to 1)study the marketing mix of souvenir products 2 to study the behavior of decision-making in purchasing souvenir products, and 3)compare decision-making behavior in purchasing souvenirs related to tourism in Nan Province. The samples are 400 Thai tourists who have visited Nan province. The research findings are as follows: 1) Marketing mix influences the purchasing decision of tourism-related souvenir products in Nan province was found to be at a high level.2) The decision-making behavior of souvenir products related to tourism in Nan Province was found that most of the sample group chose to buy souvenirs as food. The reason for choosing to buy is the quality of the product. Most of them make their own purchases. The purchase period for souvenir products is mostly purchased during vacation time. Most of them use their own money to buy. Most places to buy souvenir products are found to be purchased through a store that sells directly. 3) Tourists of different ages give different importance to souvenir marketing factors and have different purchasing behavior in terms of products purchased, a reason to buy, and the time of purchase as tourists with different incomes buy different products. In addition, the marketing mix factor affects the purchasing behavior of souvenir products related to tourism.

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How to Cite
Dechkham, P., Khumsri, T., & Sawangsak, S. (2022). Marketing mix factors affecting product purchasing decision on tourism related souvenirs in Nan Province. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 17(1), 14–25. retrieved from
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