A Management of Adjudication Knowledge for Lawyer Development in Thailand

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Surapon Sinthunawa
Sompornchai Chaiprasit
Kanidtha Suksawad
Pratuang Changsalak Panhong


This research aims to study the management of knowledge training for the development of lawyers in Thailand, improve behavioral attitudes and application of knowledge, and set a guideline for knowledge development and management for Thai lawyers. This research employed hybrid methods. The participants were qualified legal experts, including 384 lawyers. The data were collected in the form of interviews and questionnaires. The author analyzed the data by content analysis and descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The study results indicate that a variety of data formed knowledge management for lawyers and legal concepts gathered through current technologies and applied to new instances. Furthermore, such expertise has been spread through training, seminars, and knowledge exchange on social media platforms such as Facebook and Line. The outcome was at a high level in terms of lawyer behavioral attitudes, indicating that lawyers have gained knowledge and skills through executing legal obligations and have developed into potential lawyers. They could, for example, decide on wills that are nuanced and sensitive to circumstances. In addition, they might obtain in-depth information through contracts. Last but not least, lawyers' preparedness to fulfill tasks was significant, as evidenced by their alertness and awareness to study new legal issues and sciences, protect client confidentiality, and uphold justice for the benefit of themselves and the parties by adhering to conciliation principles.

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How to Cite
Sinthunawa, S., Chaiprasit, S., Suksawad, K., & Changsalak Panhong, P. (2022). A Management of Adjudication Knowledge for Lawyer Development in Thailand. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 16(1), 106–123. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rbac/article/view/252406
Research Article


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