Factors influencing secondary and vocational school students' decisions to enroll in vocational education institutes

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Vichaporn Rattanapian
Nantaporn Chalaechorn
Terdsak Rojsurakitti


This study aims to use empirical data to validate the causal model of secondary and vocational school students' occupational decision-making in vocational education. Multi-stage sampling was used to choose 1,799 secondary and vocational school students. The research instruments included a questionnaire with the Cronbach's alpha coefficient ranged from .931. In addition, confirmatory factor and structural equation models were used to analyze the data. The following is a summary of the findings: The construct validity of the goal orientation, career exploration, career concerns, career commitment, and social support measuring model was well aligned with empirical data. The occupational decision-making model fit were with empirical data (gif.latex?\bar{x} (78, N=1799) =1155.141, p=.000, CFI=.995, TLI=.991, RMSEA=.023, SRMR=.017). The model revealed that secondary and vocational school students' career exploration had a significant direct effect on their occupational decision making (gif.latex?\beta=.530) and the social support influence had a significant indirect impact on career exploration, career concerns, and career commitment (gif.latex?\beta=.507). For the researcher and those in charge of policymaking, the findings of this study provide a more in-depth understanding of professional decision-making. Furthermore, directors of vocational institutions could manage, strategize, and assist students in their transition from students to productive workers by providing understanding during a critical period in their lives while choosing a good vocational school, laying the groundwork for their bright future.

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How to Cite
Rattanapian, V., Chalaechorn, N., & Rojsurakitti, T. (2021). Factors influencing secondary and vocational school students’ decisions to enroll in vocational education institutes. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 16(2), 1–19. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rbac/article/view/252249
Research Article


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