The use of MOOC in a blended environment of international advertising and marketing communications course

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Associate Professor Dr. Worawan Ongkrutraksa


The objectives of this pilot research were as follows: 1) to examine students’ participation in the classroom, 2) to explore students’ satisfaction with MOOC in a blended learning environment. The research method was a mix-method of quantitative and qualitative. The samples of this research were 38 students from the Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University. The research tools were questionnaires and open-ended interview questions. The data were analyzed using Mean score, S.D., summarized, and reported the content of the interviews. The results showed that 1) for the design of class activity, it should use other media besides Chula MOOC as an add-on program that can interact with students, 2) students’ participation in class were giving comments, answering questions, exchanging ideas on social media. The students were keen to know and know how to think. They were able to summarize key points and convey ideas through communication. They had concentration, interest, and time to read recommended articles, watch clips, and find additional information, and 3) students had a high level of satisfaction with Chula MOOC learning.

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How to Cite
Ongkrutraksa, W. (2021). The use of MOOC in a blended environment of international advertising and marketing communications course. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 16(1), 50–64. retrieved from
Research Article


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