Guideline for the development of basic acting exercise for learner in the 21st century

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Surin Medhanee


The objective of this research was to study and find the way to develop guidelines for basic acting exercise for learner in the 21st century. The method of the research is to use descriptive research methodology. The population used in this study was chosen by a specific method, consisting of 10 subjects who does not have educational background in acting.  Research tools include Acting exercises, 10 exercises. The exercises are suitable at the highest level. The questionnaire for the participants before and after the performance of the program. The questionnaire for the satisfaction of the viewers of the overall performance was at the highest level. The research found that there are 3 main components: 1.Skills of learners acting in the 21st century 1) being a self-directed person 2) self-assessment 3) life and career skills 4) learning and innovation skills 5) information skills, media and technology. 2. Strategy 3 in the development and enhancement of human potential in the area of human development throughout the school age, 1) critical thinking skills Synthesis in working with others.2)The flexibility of thought. The ability to live and work with others under a multicultural society. 3. The important skills of the actors should  include 1) Emotional performance 2) Imagination 3) Creativity 4) Critical thinking 5) Movement 6) Energy of performance 7) Concentration in performance 8) Communication 9) Voice control.

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How to Cite
Medhanee, S. (2020). Guideline for the development of basic acting exercise for learner in the 21st century. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 15(1), 54–67. retrieved from
Research Article


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