The study of Primary School Students’opinions on the Robotics Learning Model Based On Social Information Processing To Enhance Social Skills

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ทิพาพร อินทร์ตลาดชุม
Theeravadee Thangkabutra


This paper studies primary school students’ attitudes towards the impacts of educational robotics within the social information processing framework and on social skills enhancement in students. A purposive sample of 302 students was collected from seven schools. The study relies on a student questionnaire for rating educational robotics impacts on his or her social skills enhancement, which divided into four parts: (1) general information, (2) a social skill question set (3) an educational robotics question set, and (4) suggestions. Mean values and confidence intervals were then calculated from the questionnaire results. Both Part 1 and Part 2 had a confidence interval of 0.97, while Part 3 had 1.0. From the total of five different sub-topics in Part 2 and 3, learning activities for educational robotics, especially under the sub-sub-topic of “educational robotics activities were held at a suitable time for the students,” with the highest mean value of 3.79, followed by social expression with a mean of 3.76, self-emotion control (3.73), emotional expression (3.70), and learning environment for educational robotics (3.44), respectively. For Part 4, overall comments revealed that most students wanted to have 1-2 hours of robotics classes.

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How to Cite
อินทร์ตลาดชุม ท., & Thangkabutra, T. . (2021). The study of Primary School Students’opinions on the Robotics Learning Model Based On Social Information Processing To Enhance Social Skills . Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 16(1), 94–105. retrieved from
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