Developing the process of cost management of transportation connector metal sheet roof, cold-rolled steel industry

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วีรพล ล้ำเลิศ
นิวรัตน์ วิจิตรกุลสวัสดิ์


The purpose for this mixed-method study was to development the procedure of cost management of transportation in connector metal steel roof for cold-rolled steel industry. There were 4 stages for this study: Stage 1 Study the cost management of transportation. Stage 2 Develop the procedure of transportation. Stage 3 Study the result of procedure management of transportation, and Stage 4 Suitable Certified Evaluationof the procedure cost management of transportation. The sampling for the study was 16 people who work with transportation in connector metal steel roof for cold-rolled steel industry and 5 experts, not less than 10 years experience, in certified evaluation of procedure. The tool for this study was the depth interview, content analysis, efficient evaluation for data quantity analysisby means and Standard Deviation, quality data analysisby content analysis. The result of the study 1) procedure analysis of cost of transportation in connector metal steel roof for cold-rolled steel industry found that the factors which affected to the cost procedureof transportation in connector to customers 2) transportation procedure of transportation in connector metal steel roof by the theory of Full Truck Load and Milk Run, comprise of 4 factors, environment, import factors, procedure and output.

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How to Cite
ล้ำเลิศ ว., & วิจิตรกุลสวัสดิ์ น. (2018). Developing the process of cost management of transportation connector metal sheet roof, cold-rolled steel industry. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 12(2), 15–23. retrieved from
Research Article