Business resource planning system development for product management and human resources of small and medium enterprises

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จตุพล แจ้งจรัส
ชาตรี หอมวงศ์
ขัตติยา แถวโสภา ยั่งยืน


Business resource planning system development for product management and human resources of small and medium enterprises is a research and development model. This research was divided into 2 phases according to the objectives of the research as follows: 1) to study the business resource planning system for product management and human resource of small and medium enterprises which operated the 7 steps of the system development of life cycle (SDLC); 2) to evaluate the efficiency of the business resource planning system for product management and human resource of small and medium enterprises by using the Black Box Testing Method. The sample group was the experts in the development of business resource planning systems of small and medium enterprises with at least 5 years of experience by using purposive sampling method of 10 people. The results of this research contended that 1) the business resource planning systems for product management and human resource of small and medium enterprises were used 9 modules as follows: the login module to enter the system; the employees management module; the products management module; the products type management module; the purchasing products module; the selling products module; the report browsing module for the purchases and sales lists; the selling report module; and the purchasing report module. 2) The performance evaluation of the business resource planning system for product management and human resource of small and medium enterprises in the overall of aspects were very effective. Regarding to considerate each aspect, it was found that every aspect was very effective. The arrangement of average values from high to low was as follows: the working according to functions of the system; the easy to use the working system; the meet the requirement of system’s users; and the data security in the system.

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How to Cite
แจ้งจรัส จ., หอมวงศ์ ช., & ยั่งยืน ข. แ. (2018). Business resource planning system development for product management and human resources of small and medium enterprises. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 13(2), 26–37. retrieved from
Research Article