Competency of police officers in The Transit Sub-Division, Immigration Office,Suwannabhumi International Airport

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กิตติธัช ผ่องพลีศาล


The objectives of this research were: 1) to analyze the operation competency level of the police officers that work in Transit Sub-Division, Suwannabhumi International Airport; 2) to investigate problems regarded to the operation competencies of the police officers at Transit Sub-Division, Suwannabhumi International Airport; 3) to present the guideline to develop the operation competency of the officers for Transit Sub-Division, Suwannabhumi International Airport. The population was the police officers of Transit Sub-Division, Suwannabhumi International Airport who had received salary in fiscal year of 2016 at the total of 89 officers. The research tools were questionnaires. The statistics used to analyze data included mean and standard deviation. The research findings contended that 1) the levels of operation competency of the police officer for good services and ethical rules were at the highest level Followed by the cooperation was at a high level, while the achievement and the accumulation of expertise in their careers were at a moderate level. 2) The problems concerning with competencies of the police officers were as follows: lack of knowledge and competencies for their operations; lack of knowledge and information for their services operation; lack of scholarship for extra training courses; lack of ethics because of the relationship between friends; and lack of justice for performance appraisal in their organization. 3) The ways to develop operation competencies of the police officers in Transit Sub-Division, Suwannabhumi International Airport were as follows: the appointment and migration must be appropriate to the knowledge and ability of the staff; the leaders should be good as a role model for providing services; the organization should allocate more scholarship; the operational practice have to follow disciplinary regulations strictly; and the performance appraisals of operation should be fair.

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How to Cite
ผ่องพลีศาล ก. (2018). Competency of police officers in The Transit Sub-Division, Immigration Office,Suwannabhumi International Airport. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 13(1), 52–61. retrieved from
Research Article