Employment Conditions and Quality of Life of Migrant Workers in Saen Suk Municipality Mueang District, Chonburi Province.
Employment Conditions, Quality of Life, Foreign Workers, Saen Suk MunicipalityAbstract
Objectives of this research were 1) to study the employment conditions of migrant workers in Saen Suk Municipality, Mueang District, Chonburi Province; and 2) to study the quality of life of migrant workers in Saen Suk Municipality, Mueang District, Chonburi Province. Qualitative anthropological research method was used as research methodology, relying on collecting information from documents, in-depth interviews and non-participant observation. The study found that migrant workers who came to work in the Saen Suk Municipality area worked in many career fields, especially works that people in the area did not do. The majority of low-skilled workers worked in the 3D category (difficult, dirty and dangerous), but there was a tendency to expand their scope into other jobs besides the 3D groups. Migrant workers came to work both legally and illegally and their income ranges were about 300 - 500 baht. Their average working time was 8 -10 hours per day. For accommodations, there were 3 types as follows: 1) They lived together with the employer; 2) employers provided accommodation and 3) employer organized a large permanent worker camp. In terms of welfare, migrant workers' health welfare and overall health safety were at a good level. Overall, it was found that the quality of life of migrant workers in the Saen Suk Municipality area was within the quality standards by considering the quality of life of migrant workers according to academic principles covering all dimensions as follows: dignity and quality of working life, health and health safety, social relations, family warmth and security and personal safety and security.
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