A Study of Successful Sports Management for Local Communities
Sports management, Exercise, Local communitiesAbstract
This study aimed to identify components contributing to successful sports management for local communities. In-depth interviews were used to collect data from15 key informants from 2 model sports cities-Burirum and Krabi- who were recruited using purposive sampling. The selected informants were then divided into 3 group: those involved in making policy on sports for exercise, those responsible for implementing policy on a provincial level, and those charged with implementing policy and sports management on a local community level.
The in-depth interviews revealed 6 principal components. They were 1) participation and involvement from all relevant sectors; 2) continued activity organization; 3) encouragement and support for cities to achieve comprehensive sports status; 4) possession of standard sport facilities, 5) motivation of the public, and 6) decentralization of sports managerial tasks. Aside from the aimed successful sports management, further development of sports for health in local communities into professional sports, and sports cities nationwide will promote the sports industry and bring a growing economy to communities at all levels: local, regional and national. All it takes is integration of involvement by all relevant sectors and comprehensive sports management.
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