Developing an enterprise management system to community business leader strengthen on the way of community-based tourism
Developing an enterprise management system to community business leader strengthen on the way of community-based tourism
This research aims to study the feasibility of financial return for Community Enterprise Management System for Thai Muslim Village Tourism and study the development guideline for Sustainable Tourism of Community Enterprise by focusing on career generating. The methodology of this research consists of 3 steps as the following; 1) study the context and potential of the community in community enterprise management system for Thai Muslim Village Tourism 2) study the feasibility of community enterprise management system for Thai Muslim Village Tourism and 3) study the development guideline of community enterprise for sustainable tourism by focusing on career generating by Participatory Action Research (PAR).
From the result of the feasibility study of Developing an enterprise management system to community business leader strengthen on the way of community-based tourism by focusing on career generating and income & expense estimation, the careers which create the income and high feasibility are visit receptionist and selling goat milk products such as yogurt and pasteurized milk. The research team has studied the feasibility of community enterprise for community-based tourism and found that there is a high possibility for community-based tourism to get the payback within 10 months. Moreover, from the study of guideline of community enterprise for sustainable tourism by focusing on career generating, the management system has high possibility because the guideline is matched to the lifestyle of the community and allow the community to participate in every sequence which consists of 1) Participation in community activities 2) Application of Sufficiency Economy Concept to practice in the community 3) Learning system by local wisdom as the core and 4) The development, conservation and restoration of the ecosystem and the environment which conducive to the lifestyle of the community. For systems and mechanisms of Community Enterprise Management System for Thai Muslim Village Tourism, for the Input, it is free to be a member and it is the process of the voluntary invitation, for the process of financial management, the community enterprise sets the regulation that there will not be the dividend as the money but it will be consumer goods. For the output, there are 18 households who participate in activities or 20.93% for the outcome, there is the development of the community enterprise by developing the prototype community from community-based tourism and allow agriculturists from other villages to participate in raw materials supply for the community to produce the processed products for sale. Moreover, there will be the products which can be stored for a long time such as Milk tablet and Powdered milk. Then, the community enterprise will be developed as the cooperative village. From this development, the leader predicts that the village will get more support from organizations.
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