The Public Policy Model for Developing Potential of Agricultural Community Enterprise in the Eastern Economic Corridor


  • Prakai Wuttipipattanapong
  • Chanissara Kaewsawan


Public policy, Potential, Agricultural community enterprises, Eastern Economic Corridor


This research aims to study the developing policy that driven to increase the potential of agricultural community enterprises in the Eastern Economic Corridor. A qualitative research model was conducted in-depth interviews of 18 experts and 8 experts for discussions in focus group to confirm research results and exchange other useful ideas. The study results that the developing policy that driven to increase the potential of agricultural community enterprises in the Eastern Economic Corridor divided into 10 areas as 1) Organization management, Promote and develop the group to be strong by giving members a stable and sustainable income. 2) Potential analysis for continuous improvement and development. 3) Promoting and developing the potential of community enterprises in terms of personnel and management. 4) Funding for the establishment of a stable community enterprises fund. 5) Improvement and development of community enterprise standards regularly. 6) Sharing and returning to society. 7) The participation of all community enterprise members. 8) Fair and equal benefits management for community enterprise members. 9) The provision of welfare for members of community enterprises and 10) Management and organizational structure.


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