A Problem, Limitations and Approaches for Strengthening of Community - Based Enterprises in Thailand
problem and limitations of community - based Enterprises, Approaches for Strengthening of community-based Enterprises, community-based EnterprisesAbstract
This research has the objectives to study A problem and limitations of community - based Enterprises in Thailand. and To study to study A Approaches for Strengthening of community - based Enterprises in Thailand. Qualitative research was conducted and data were collected from 12 key informants. The research instruments were an interview and recording of data; analysis was by content analysis. The result showed that : 1. Problems and limitations of community enterprises in Thailand That can be divided into 4 issues : 1) the external environment was a policy of community enterprise development that lacks continuity, Implementing policies into practice still has problems, and the cost of living and household debt that was high. 2) Internal factors found that Management still lacks entrepreneurship, Not enough personnel, Lack of knowledge, and No ability to make a business plan. 3) Process factors found that a community enterprises in Thailand do not have marketing knowledge and 4) Self-reliance potential of community enterprises found that a community enterprises in Thailand Not have a profit from operation and 2. Guidelines for building capacity for self-reliance of community enterprises That the government sector must focus on creating a strategic plan for the development of community enterprise in the long term, Focus on leadership development and create a policy to promote the market to distribute products, especially the national market And export to overseas.
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