The Structural Influence of Organizational Culture on the Competitive Advantage of Entrepreneurs in the Air - Conditioner Production Businesses in Bangkok


  • Watchara Yaseeda
  • Thanyanan Boonyoo


Organizational culture, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge management, Competitive advantage


This study aimed to investigate: (1) levels of organizational culture, entrepreneurship, knowledge management, and competitive advantage; (2) the influences of the mediated variable of the entrepreneurship as a correlated variable between organizational culture and competitive advantage; and (3) the influences of the mediated variable of the knowledge management as a correlated variable between organizational culture and competitive advantage of air-conditioner production businesses in Bangkok. Samples in the study were 106 entrepreneurs in the air-conditioner production businesses in Bangkok. The research instruments in the study were a questionnaire and statistics used in the study were percentage, means, standard deviation, and the analysis of the structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the study revealed that: (1) the entrepreneurs in the air-conditioner production businesses in Bangkok had averaged levels of organizational culture, entrepreneurship, knowledge management, competitive advantage at the high level; (2) the entrepreneurship was a mediated variable which was correlated with the organizational culture and the competitive advantage; and (3) the knowledge management was a mediated variable which was correlated with the organizational culture and the competitive advantage. Therefore, this study ascertained that the outcomes of different studies could be established as the fundamental competitive advantage, depending on the entrepreneurship and the knowledge management to efficacy within the organizations.


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