A Study of Service Quality using SERVQUAL Model: a Case of Suvarnabhumi Airport Rail Link (SARL)


  • Tin Chaingam
  • Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom
  • Pawinee Stargell
  • Atipon Satranarakun


Service quality, SERVQUAL, Railway service quality, Services standards


This study explores the factors influencing success of service quality for Suvarnabhumi Airport Rail Link (SARL) in Bangkok, Thailand through executives and experts’ aspects. The methodology is qualitative method. The target group is a group of 12 experts who have professional skills and cognitions in SARL. Then they were conducted a semi-structured in-depth interview based on SERVQUAL Model 10 dimensions for index of item objective congruence (IOC). After that, data were analyzed by content analysis divided into three parts: data reduction, data display, and conclusion interpretation. Triangular model was used to check the accuracy and then the analyzed data were interpreted for the conclusions. The findings show that the most impactful factors affecting SARL service quality in the views of executives and experts are Reliability, Assurance, Responsiveness, and Creditability. They also suggest that SARL itself is not able to handle the existing problems effectively because the regulations and rules prohibit the smooth operations and there are insufficient budgets for the maintenances and development; therefore, government should get involve to figure it out these obstacles. Experts recommend one of the popular practices in train operation and maintenance that Total Quality Management (TQM) of SARL should cover the quality of whole system and focus on train maintenance into three manners (predictive maintenance, preventive maintenance, and corrective maintenance) in order to maintain the service quality effectively for achieving the customer needs.


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