Autonomous University in the Context of Neo-liberalism


  • Jarunee Mumbansao


Higher education, Autonomous university, Neo-liberalism


The early Thai universities were established as state universities. The main goal is to produce highly skilled manpower and techniques for the government and economic system of the country. Over time, both external systems have been modified, including government policies, regulation, etc., and internal changes, including management, status of the university, etc. In accordance with changes in the global economic, political and social systems of the world. The change of status from a public university to an autonomous university is a major change once again causing a change in the ideology of higher education. Changes aim to achieve independence in the management of budget and assets. Personnel management to motivate qualified personnel, and academic freedom So that the university can survive to meet the needs and expectations of societies that adopt the new liberal thinking concept as the basic concept of policy formulation effectively. The concept of changing the status of public universities to be autonomous universities in Thailand started in 1964 and came true for the first time in 1990 when Suranaree University Established as the first autonomous university in Thailand. Factors that influence the change of status to a state-controlled university are: 1) momentum from international organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations International Monetary Fund World Trade Organization That supports new liberal concepts and principles. 2) Educational Transfer, such as Educational Diffusion, taking samples from lessons Borrowing policies or spreading education consists of direct and indirect processes. 3) The process of making education as a product which is the result of adopting a new liberal concept as a guideline for state operations.


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