Potential Development of the Elderly through the Learning Courses to Create Value for Creation Safe Media in School of Elders, Kalasin Province

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Ponpitak Hembasat
Aot Nongrayom


            This research Using quantitative research 1) study the potential of elderly using a training course to develop the potential of older people 2) compared the achievements of the elderly before and after using the training course to develop the potential of the elderly and 3) study the satisfaction of the elderly towards the training course to develop the potential of the elderly. the population is 5 seniors in Kalasin Senior School, 25 each, including 125 people, the sample is 5 seniors in Kalasin Senior School, 6 each, totaling 30 people simple random sampling method, respectively. A tool used to collect data as a query. Statistics used to analyze data include percentage, average, standard deviation, and paired samples test t-test to compare before-after training.

              The findings were as follows:

  1.             1. The results of the competency scores of the elderly before and after training using the training course to develop the potential of the elderly .found that after training using the training course to develop the potential of the elderly .Seniors averaged higher scores than before training, with an average of 13 potential scores (=77.97, S.D.=7.48) and an average of 52.47 pre-training potential scores (=52.47, S.D.=10.47).

  2. 2. Achievement of the competence of the elderly after using the training .It was found that after training using the training course to develop the potential of the elderly, higher than before training. Statistically significant at .01 level.

  3. The satisfaction of the elderly towards the training course. It was found that overall and listings had the highest average level (= 4.58, S.D. = .55).

Keywords: Potential Development. Elderly, Value Creatio

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