State of the Art Appraisal in Public Policy of Thailand During B.E.2550-2564

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Supraneet Thammapithak
Ausanakorn Tavarom


The objectives of this research is to assess the status of the public policy in Thailand. Its methodology was a documentary based qualitative research exploring the secondary sources of related research works, dissertations and thesis on public policy during B.E.2550- 2564 from ThaiLIS (Thai Library Integrated System). The searching keywords were policy design, policy implementation, policy assessment, policy analysis, policymaking, policy recommendation, policy problems, and public policy. It was found that there were 209 research works. Data collected from the data record forms were analyzed with content analysis of contextual unit through categorization. 

The results revealed that 83.25% were thesis.  Upon reflecting on the theoretical concepts applied for working by the researchers, it was found that 98.56% they applied previous theories, concepts or conceptual frameworks and mostly 44.98% were qualitative researches. 48.33% of the main research questions were mostly imposed on policy assessment. The researches were mostly conducted under the scope of policy analysis at 84.21% while 10.05% were under the policy studies and 5.74% based on policy science. Another 53.26% were focusing on the questions of the agency development followed by 27.20% on policy development and 12.74% on developing people. 

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