Organization Commitment of Government Officials in Central Office of the Department of Groundwater Resources

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Korakot Nanna
Piyakorn Whangmahaporn


                   This is a quantitative research. The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of organizational commitment of the government officials in central office of the department of groundwater resources 2) to compare the level of organizational commitment of these government officials classified by personal factors and 3) to study the relationship between job description, organizational characteristics, working experience and the organizational commitment of these government officials. This was a quantitative research and the samples were 143 government officials in central office of the department of groundwater resources. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

                   The findings revealed that the government officials in central office of the department of groundwater resources highly agreed with organizational commitment (  = 3.784). The study in each organizational commitment showed that they most agreed with working willingness (  = 4.319), highly agreed with desire of organization membership maintaining and organization goal and value confidence and acceptance (  = 3.582 and  = 3.517). The hypothesis testing indicated that marital status of the government officials caused difference in organizational commitment at the .05 level of significance. In addition, there were the relationship between job description, organizational characteristics, working experience and the organizational commitment of these government officials at the .05 level of significance.

The findings revealed that the government officials in central office of the department of groundwater resources highly agreed with job description, organizational characteristics, working experience and organizational commitment. The hypothesis testing indicated that marital status of the government officials caused difference in organizational commitment at the .05 level of significance. In addition, the relationship between job description, organizational characteristics, working experience and the organizational commitment of these government officials were in the high level.

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