A study of Substance abuse experiences and The ethics, Moral values that have been cultivated of youth who use and do not take drugs in the area of Chachoengsao Province
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This research work aimed 1) To study Substance abuse experiences of youth who taking drugs in Chachoengsao Province and 2) To study opinions about ethics, moral and values that have been cultivated of youths who use and do not take drugs in the area of Chachoengsao Province. The study was conducted by quantitative research. The data were collected by questionnaires. The samples of this research were 79 youths who used to taking drugs and 69 youths who never taking drugs and Total target population were 148 youths. The result showed that 1) Substance Abuse of Youth who used to taking drugs were no family members taking drugs. Most consume several types of combinations. The cause of the consumption was want to try it for an experience By starting the first drug use at age 13-15 years and the frequency of drug use is daily. 2) Youths who used to taking drugs have an uncertain level of acceptance of ethics, morals and values that have been drug cultivated of youths in overall. And 3) Youths who never taking drugs have an not agree level of acceptance of ethics, morals and values that have been drug cultivated of youths in overall.
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