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This academic article aims to collect the concept of talent management system of Thai government sector under the concept of High Performance and Potential System (HiPPs) and the adoption of the concept of High Performance and Potential System (HiPPs) in Thai government system. The documents related to the concept of High Performance and Potential System (HiPPs) and the implementation of such concept were studied and the data were analyzed by content analysis. The results showed that government organizations are faced with changes at present, and human resource management has to be adapted to accommodate the changes. The organizations emphasizing management and being able to maintain the talent people who are the human capital of the organization will have a competitive advantage and be able to effectively overcome various obstacles and crises, both present and future. HiPPS was developed as a system for screening high quality civil servants. It primarily focuses on people-centered achievement, systematic and fair assessment and teamwork. It has positive impacts on organizations, including acquiring quality personnel with positive views towards work and motivation to work in the government system as well as having guidelines for more advancement in work and competing to create works. However, the concept of High Performance and Potential System (HiPPs) in Thai government system can be applied for creating concreting benefits by focusing on selecting the personnel of organizations to attend trainings and practices on teamwork and organizing the activities to create exchanges, learning, working to create experience which is outstanding in the continuity of personnel development and concrete productivity and outcomes.
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